PR and Good Social Media Management

PR people can’t deny the impact social media has on traditional PR, in other words, thinking about offering PR today without social media management to any person or brand is unimaginable.

Social media is an essential part of PR strategies. On the basis that other brands and influencers must relate where their audience is, and take into consideration the type of digital goals they are looking to achieve. It is worth mentioning that social media is the way strategies are created internally when we are talking about building relations, attracting journalists, and deepening the impact within the industry.

One of the main questions one should ask themselves is, how has social media changed PR practices? The main and most notorious way is that it has brought a “blank status” to all, in other words, every user in Instagram (to name an example) has the same opportunity to stand out in the public sector, the only distinction with famous people or regular users is good social media management.

You can say that by the simple fact of being on the same platform, all of them have the same opportunities since they are not subjected to traditional PR; social media now allows you to create your own buzz.

Another practice that social media has evolved from traditional PR is the possibility of distributing original and branded content through a specific segment without complications; this is a method that has been proven by social media to work. Besides, it allows PR teams to strategically facilitate the main message of the brand, since they can control the content and publications, therefore making sure that the message is sent loud and clear.

Last but not least, it is important to mention social media now allows something that was simply impossible in the past, and this is really important: handling crisis in real-time.

PR people are responsible for putting out any crisis a brand could have and that could bring down its reputation. In the past, handling crisis in real-time involved newspapers or breaking news, but not anymore, today, social media platforms allow brands and PR teams to respond and act in real-time by enabling conversations with users. With the increasing capacity of brands to interact directly with their followers, PR teams must take advantage of this instant nature of social media to address a certain crisis and maintain a positive brand reputation at all times.

In conclusion, we can say good PR management should always be accompanied by social media experts to deliver a clear and effective message, without complications, in real-time and to a specific target market.
